ZEBRA!!! who doesn't love Zebra? Anyhoo...I made the purple zebra for a friend for her party this past weekend. I was so excited because I love the Zebra pattern! And she wanted purple, my FAVORITE color! I also love the damask pattern. Those two are my favorties. =)
Purple zebra...My daughter was holding the the "1" topper so its not pictured here. She would NOT let go and this was the only time I had to take pictures!
This is a square cupcake topper, I kind of like this one better...what do you think?
This color is inspired by the Hannah Montana show. In her most recent theme song in her show, she was wearing a yellow zebra shirt and in her movie, her friend had a yellow zebra cake!
Hot pink zebra! This color seems to be the FAD right now
This one is for my sister, she LOVES blue! I think this is a great color combo! but then again, any color would be great with a black and white zebra pattern! Like red, green, orange...and so on!

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